Ergo Watch: A Platform for On-Chain Analysis

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Ergo Platform

9 December, 2021

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Ergo’s new on-chain analysis platform, Ergo.Watch, is live and Ergonauts can now access useful metrics such as liquidity on exchanges, total value locked in smart contracts, average holding time and SigUSD metrics. A lot of credit is owed to community developer, abcchris, for the creation of this platform.

We advise readers to check out CryptoQuakka’s thread and to subscribe to his blog for more details.

Ergo Watch has an accessible user interface and allows users to easily navigate and search for information.

Let’s first take a look at the emission tab. Emission is where a user can access the current circulation of coins, inflation rate and future emission -  it contains all the details and information for the current metrics of ERG supply.

Next, the Metrics tab is where most of the on-chain information can be found. 

This information can be very helpful for tracking on-chain performance, activity and growth. On-chain metrics represent both the growth of the developer side as well as the growth of the user side with instant data.

The oracle pools page contains up to date information on current oracle pools. As more people undertake initiatives to run oracle cores, we will be able to track all the oracle pools here.

Last but not least, the SigUSD page allows access to all the on-chain data of Ergo’s Sigma USD stablecoin protocol. Users can check the current (and historical) circulation of SigUSD and SigRSV tokens as well as the current (and historical) price levels from oracles.

It is important that easy access to on-chain data is available to all users so that people can stay informed as to what is happening on the blockchain. Blockchains are created to give people access to more financial tools and on-chain verifiability lets users know that there is no point of centralized failure. Ergo is made to create equity and easy access to products and information, as opposed to the opacity of traditional systems.

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