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Curtis Regis Crypto

19 June, 2021

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Ergo has completed its first Hackathon, it was small and experimental as planned, but got some great submissions. Kushti kicked off the day with his opening video and then we had six teams in total, including one from anon_real (Creator of the AuctionHouse, SigmaUSD UI, and more) snuck in last-minute.

The other teams were SmartPools, who ended up writing a research paper on implementing decentralised pool formation contracts that including metrics that allow for diminishing returns on overcontributing hash power to pools with data gathered using Ergo Oracles.

ErgoCharts created a web application that shows charts for Ergo blockchain analysis and Ergo trading analysis. Currently, the web app shows charts for Ergo price, trading volume and market capitalization.

SigmaStamp built a tool for data notarization. Notarization is an official fraud prevention process that guarantees the parties to a transaction that the document is genuine and can be trusted. The developed application allows for uploading a file to get a digital certificate with the file’s hash.

Raffle is a competition that participants join via buying tickets, and in the end, a participant with the winner’s ticket wins the whole collected money. In a 50/50 scenario, 50% of the collected money is donated to the charity while the winner participant wins the rest. A team has implemented contracts and self-hosted web application. The team is promising to deploy the raffle application soon also; but in the meantime their documentation can be used as a good guide on how to get contracts in the extended UTXO model.

ErgoIndex is a non-custodial platform that enables users to pool their funds together to invest in a portfolio of tokens on the Ergo blockchain. You can find the protocol description on the ErgoIndex website at . The team has done the website and sketches of contract ideas.

ErgoTeam is another tool made by anon-real, creator of the Zero-Knowledge Treasury among other Ergo applications (Ergo Auctions, SigmaUSD UI, Ergo Utils etc). The aim of the new project is to have a much simpler joint-spending tool on top of Ergo compared to the ZK-Treasury which requires each team member to set up a full-node and run the client application. The new design which is based on membership tokens is a web app like Ergo Auction House or Ergo Utils which works with Yoroi wallet through the dApp connector. This means users can participate in joint-spendings with other team members using only their Yoroi wallets. Anon-real has done contracts and the basic UI. A release is coming!

Unfortunately, the team who’s bringing up ShrimpCoin decided to pull out so they could work on their idea and their own pace. We hope to see them in the next Hackathon in September!

Which not a direct participant, @Tolstojevski was kind enough to create a full series of C# videos for Ergo developers!

The submissions are now with the judges - stay tuned for the results!

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