It’s time for sharing what you know about Ergo and win prizes in return! We are conducting a video competition to show what Ergo provides to its users from the users. We are getting closer to Hackathon and we need your help to spread the word about Ergo Blockchain’s benefits and properties.
Join us and share 650 ERGs in total!
200 ERGs for 1st prize
100 ERGs x 2 people for 2nd prize
50 ERGs x up to 5 people for 3rd prize
Video Content:
It could be anything about Ergo Platform, from its blockchain design or something that teach some specific on how to use Ergo, for example: Headless dApps, Ergo Playground, Ergo mixer, SigmaUSD, NFT Auction House, dApps, installing the Ergo node, mining etc..
“To participate, you should upload your video and quote retweet or answer the competition announcement tweet with your YouTube video link”
Video length should be 3-25 minutes
Deadline: 16 May 2021
Results will be announced 1 week after the deadline.
Have a nice month to all Ergonauts - to the Moon!